Barbara Davis Gallery is pleased to announce Deep Play, a solo exhibition by Houston-based artist Donna Moylan, opening Friday, June 02, 2017 with an artist's reception from 6:30 - 8:30pm. This exhibition is on view through July 1, 2017.

For this first exhibition with the Barbara Davis Gallery in Houston, Donna Moylan's paintings address the theme of landscape and gardens with characteristic humor and expertise.

Large canvases with complex compositions of trees, mountains and fields are nonetheless airy, as if painted spontaneously, on the wing.  At times a bird appears or a tiny vignette, calling the viewer into the scene; spatial relationships shift but retain plausibility.

All in all a sense of vivid participation is achieved, the factuality of paint harmonizing with the magic of illusion, the references to art from other times and cultures absorbed into the present moment.

Moylan's work has been exhibited widely both in the United States and in Europe. A painter's painter who guards her studio time meticulously, her work has been reviewed in The New York Times, Art Forum, Art in America and many other publications as well as in Italy.

Donna Moylan has studios in Houston and New York. She grew up in Boston where she attended Massachusetts College of Art during high school and The Museum of Fine Arts School for college on a full scholarship. Moylan then left for Rome, Italy where she began her career as a professional artist. She is in the collection of the Whitney Museum of Art.
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